You are invited to QUEERAOKE!

QUEERAOKE is karaoke a click away. We take place on Zoom. Grab your closest mic, pick a song, and have a blast! All skill levels welcome. The suggested format is thus: play the song, be it a karaoke version or the original, and sing over it. Or just sing it acapella. Or sing it and whip out an instrument if that’s something you’d like to do. Technically, you could even just play an instrument if that’s what you want to do. The “queer, musical company” is the key part.
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-On hiatus for now, sign up to the mailing list for future updates!
- Give a quick introduction: your [preferred] name and pronouns, and one thing you’d like to share (your queer business? your day? your journey? have at it).
- Participate to your enjoyment. Is that lip syncing? Go for it. Making the walls shake (within legal limits)? Rock on.
- Keep it an enjoyable environment for others, too. Be positive. If someone asks for no comments, respect that. If someone says it’s their first time, be gentle (yes, even if you know it’s their millionth time).
- Mute your mic when someone else is singing, and let them finish before unmuting again.
- Do one song and then inquire if anyone else would like to go next before going again.
- Be mindful of what you share about QUEERAOKE happenings, and keep others’ attendance and conversations confidential unless explicitly permitted to share. This is an environment for both queer and questioning people, and different people are at different levels of public disclosure.