Berkshire Queer History Project

More video clips – coming soon.
Welcome to the Berkshire Stonewall Queer History Project. The Queer History Project is locally focused on Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Our areas of interest include stories, media, artifacts, and other evidence of the rich queer history that has taken place in our beautiful, artistic region.
Currently, our primary project is interviewing LGBT+ people who either live in or have spent a formative amount of time in the Berkshires. This project is planned to be released to the public, but other future options may include delayed release, anonymous – audio only, and other potential methods to protect the privacy of members of the community during their lifetime.
Do you have stories or other things that might be relevant to these interests? Or are you interested in otherwise helping expand our archive of queer history in the Berkshires? Reach out to with suggested titles “Queer History Project: Info” or “Queer History Project: Volunteer,” or reach out to us with any questions.
Through our membership with Pittsfield Community Television, we are able to record and share even more! Check out this episode at PCTV!